Welcome to the Little Cocoa Bean Co. blog
Find inspiration, tips for getting kids to eat, and much more! Our resources are here to help. To explore our recipe recommendations, click here.
Say ‘Hello’ to the Diaspora!
A healthy gut is essential to your baby’s overall health. The first two years are the most critical.
A Chance at a Healthy Start!
A healthy gut is essential to your baby’s overall health. The first two years are the most critical.
A Diverse Culture Born from the Diaspora
A healthy gut is essential to your baby’s overall health. The first two years are the most critical.
Your Baby’s Digestive Health!
A healthy gut is essential to your baby’s overall health. The first two years are the most critical.
Toddler/Big Kid Feeding Tip-Food Tracking
Little children love ownership. You can use that to help coach them through eating diverse foods throughout the day.
10 ways to be a First 1,000 Days advocate
10 ways to be a champion for the First 1,000 days cause. What you should know and do.
Iodine-Brain Development Series
Iodine is critical for the proper brain development and function in young children.
Starting with a Strong Nutritional Foundation
Emerging research indicates that the effects of poor nutrition early in life impact not only a child’s health but also that of the child’s offspring.
Food With Roots- An Interview
“How do I keep my family's traditions and rituals alive?” This question led Boston-based entrepreneur and Harvard graduate, Tracy Skelly, to start a food business making fresh baby meals with what she calls “heritage foods”.
A Healthy First 1,000 Days Starts with Good Nutrition
The science is clear about what children need during the first 1,000 days in order to grow, learn and thrive. We have identified a set of 10 “building blocks” for good nutrition in the first 1,000 days.
Zinc-Brain Development Series
Zinc is critical for the proper brain development and function in young children.
Iron-Brain Development Series
Iron is critical for the proper brain development and function in young children.
Using food to support your child’s immune system development
The first two years of life represent a programming period for our gut ecosystem.
Say it with me, "The First 1,000 Days"
Much of what we consume during the first 1000 days of life is used to grow all of our new and rapidly developing parts—-especially the brain.
Plain Yogurt - Gut Health Series
Plain yogurt is a great addition to your baby’s meals. Rich in probiotics, yogurt is easy to digest and helps intestinal flora.
Meet Little Cocoa Bean's Nutritional Therapist
Meet our contributing Nutritional Therapist Practitioner, Jay Vilar! On a mission to educate the world to nourish & heal the body with food & lifestyle.
Papaya Is Your Blender's Best Friend
Papaya is really forgiving. You can do just about anything with this tropical fruit. Add it to your go-to baby and toddler food recipes and prepare to be impressed.
10 Strategies to Diversify your Family's Diet
Use these 10 easy strategies to diversify the foods and nutrients that your family is consuming.
Common Infant Digestive Problems
Tummy pain, vomiting, constipation and acid reflux affect most babies in their first months of life.