Toddler/Big Kid Feeding Tip-Food Tracking


Little children LOVE ownership. It’s fascinating how much they like being in charge of something. You can use that to help coach them through eating diverse foods throughout the day. Teach them about the food groups. Start with a group at a time.

Teach them why those foods are good for the body and put your child in charge of the daily check to see if they (or anyone else in the house) have eaten at least a serving—ideally more— of a food in that food group.

If you want to go a step further, make a sticker chart. Download our editable chart here.

Each time someone eats vegetables, grains, protein, fruits, etc.) allow your child to put a star sticker in that row next to the person’s name. At the end of the week talk about the results. You’ll be practicing math skills (chart reading), nutrition education, responsibility and more! Our bamboo plates have dividers by food groups based on the USDA ChooseMyPlate guidelines to help reinforce these skills.


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