A Healthy First 1,000 Days Starts with Good Nutrition
The science is clear about what children need during the first 1,000 days in order to grow, learn and thrive. We have identified a set of 10 “building blocks” for good nutrition in the first 1,000 days. These building blocks represent what every child needs to have the strongest start to life and all 10 of them are essential to healthy growth and development.
A nutritious diet for mother’s during pregnancy
Good care for all mother’s during pregnancy
Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months
Nurturing, responsive care and feeding for babies and toddlers
The right foods introduced to babies at the right times
A healthy and nutritious diet for babies and toddlers
Water and other healthy beverages with no added sugars for toddlers
The right knowledge and skills for parents and caregivers to properly nourish young children
Consistent access to enough nutritious food for families of young children
Societal investments in the well-being of every baby and toddler.