We’ve got all your feeding needs covered — and that’s just the beginning!
We create culturally diverse, ready-made, fresh and healthy baby and toddler food for the next generation of parents. Our meals are served in a chic, baby-friendly café setting that’s every parent’s dream eatery.
When Tracy Skelly had her first child in 2018, she welcomed the break from her demanding career. She cherished her time at home but, like many working moms, prepared to head back to work within a few short months of meeting her baby.
During her return-to-work prep, she found that she was unable to find baby foods with the culturally diverse flavors and nutrient content that she sought for her daughter. First foods, those that are introduced to babies in the first few months of life are ‘heritage foods’ (which) connect cultural beliefs, traditions, and what is available locally. For Tracy, that meant the inclusion of foods in the tradition of the African Diaspora, containing ingredients such as collards, chayote, papaya and tamarind. Despite being a busy working mom, Tracy took matters into her own hands and began to experiment with making her own baby food. She found that by incorporating the diverse, fresh veggies, fruits and spices she was able to create baby food products that were superior in terms of nutritional content and more culturally relevant.
Tracy Skelly
Founder of Little Cocoa Bean Co.
The combined success of her food experimentation and desire to do more to promote child health in her community, led to the founding of the Little Cocoa Bean Co. in 2019

Honor our heritage
We recognize our past by creating hope, love, and health for the future.
Prioritize inclusion
We engender a culture of inclusion and love by championing diversity.
Celebrate every effort
We recognize parents for their efforts. We’re all doing the very best we can.
Lead with positivity
We affirm our mission using positivity as our north star.