Pro Tips for Making Homemade Baby Food
Attempting to make homemade baby food doesn’t always go smoothly in the beginning. Here are a few tips:
1) Always taste the food you make. Each time you add a new ingredient to the blender, blend and taste. Add. Blend. Taste. Try not to make blends that are too bitter, sour, or overly sweet.
2) Don’t waste the hard work. If you’re introducing something new, don’t leave it all in the refrigerator. Your baby may reject the new food at first and purees will only stay fresh for about 2-3 days in the refrigerator. Freeze as much as you can.
3) Keep trying. If your baby spits out the food or makes a face, don't sweat. Try distracting your baby [wink] and try again. Still refusing? Move on and try again tonight or tomorrow.
4) Last tip-Keep the mood light! If you are getting frustrated, your baby will sense it. We don’t want our minis developing negative feelings about feeding time. Be chill and celebrate wins with cheering, hugs, kisses, and encouragement. You’ve got this!